

导读:外滩需要注意的事项1. 人流量很大,需要注意安全,尤其是在晚上人流更加密集。如何到达城隍庙乘坐地铁10号线到豫园站下车,步行约10分钟即可到达城隍庙。旅游英语初级怎么说As a beginner in learning English for tourism, it can be daunting to navigate the language barrier when traveling. Fortunately, with a little preparation and practice, you can confidently explore Shanghai and enjoy its local cuisine. Here are some tips to help you get started:1. Basic phrasesBefore embarking on your trip, it's helpful to learn some basic English phrases that you may encounter while traveling. These include:- Greetings: \"Hello\", \"Goodbye\", \"Thank you\", \"Excuse me\"- Directions: \"Where is...?\", \"How do I get to...?\"- Ordering food: \"I would like...\", \"Can I have...\", \"What do you recommend?\"- Numbers: 1-10, as well as larger numbers for prices and quantities.2. Exploring the BundOne of Shanghai's most iconic attractions is the Bund, a waterfront area that showcases the city's blend of historic and modern architecture. As you stroll along the promenade, take in the stunning views of the Huangpu River and the skyline of Pudong. You can also visit some of the historic buildings that line the Bund, such as the Peace Hotel and the Customs House.3. Trying local cuisineShanghai is known for its diverse and delicious cuisine, from savory soup dumplings to sweet egg tarts. Here are some local dishes to try:- Xiaolongbao (soup dumplings): These steamed dumplings are filled with pork or other meats and a flavorful broth.- Shengjianbao (pan-fried buns): Similar to xiaolongbao, but pan-fried instead of steamed.- Congyou bing (scallion pancakes): Crispy, savory pancakes made with scallions and other seasonings.- Da Zha Xie (hairy crab): A local delicacy that is only available in the fall, these crabs are prized for their rich, sweet meat.4. Practical tipsTo make your trip to Shanghai as smooth as possible, here are some practical tips:- Download a translation app or bring a phrasebook to help communicate with locals.- Carry cash, as many smaller shops and restaurants may not accept credit cards.- Be prepared for crowds at popular tourist attractions, especially during peak travel seasons.- Dress appropriately for the weather and cultural norms.In conclusion, by learning some basic English phrases and following these tips, you can confidently explore Shanghai and enjoy its local cuisine. Don't be afraid to try new things and immerse yourself in the culture of this vibrant city.






1. 人流量很大,需要注意安全,尤其是在晚上人流更加密集。

2. 外滩附近有许多商业街和购物中心,但价格较贵,游客需自行权衡利弊。

3. 晚上可以看到灯火辉煌的上海夜景,但也需要注意自身安全和财物保护。






1. 进入城隍庙需购买门票,价格为20元/人。

2. 建议游客在早上或晚上前往,避免人流量过大。

3. 城隍庙内有许多小吃店和纪念品商店,但价格较贵,游客需自行权衡利弊。

4. 游客需尊重庙宇及文化遗产,不得随意涂写或破坏。




As a beginner in learning English for tourism, it can be daunting to navigate the language barrier when traveling. Fortunately, with a little preparation and practice, you can confidently explore Shanghai and enjoy its local cuisine. Here are some tips to help you get started:

1. Basic phrases

Before embarking on your trip, it's helpful to learn some basic English phrases that you may encounter while traveling. These include:

- Greetings: \"Hello\", \"Goodbye\", \"Thank you\", \"Excuse me\"

- Directions: \"Where is...?\", \"How do I get to...?\"

- Ordering food: \"I would like...\", \"Can I have...\", \"What do you recommend?\"

- Numbers: 1-10, as well as larger numbers for prices and quantities.

2. Exploring the Bund

One of Shanghai's most iconic attractions is the Bund, a waterfront area that showcases the city's blend of historic and modern architecture. As you stroll along the promenade, take in the stunning views of the Huangpu River and the skyline of Pudong. You can also visit some of the historic buildings that line the Bund, such as the Peace Hotel and the Customs House.

3. Trying local cuisine

Shanghai is known for its diverse and delicious cuisine, from savory soup dumplings to sweet egg tarts. Here are some local dishes to try:

- Xiaolongbao (soup dumplings): These steamed dumplings are filled with pork or other meats and a flavorful broth.

- Shengjianbao (pan-fried buns): Similar to xiaolongbao, but pan-fried instead of steamed.

- Congyou bing (scallion pancakes): Crispy, savory pancakes made with scallions and other seasonings.

- Da Zha Xie (hairy crab): A local delicacy that is only available in the fall, these crabs are prized for their rich, sweet meat.

4. Practical tips

To make your trip to Shanghai as smooth as possible, here are some practical tips:

- Download a translation app or bring a phrasebook to help communicate with locals.

- Carry cash, as many smaller shops and restaurants may not accept credit cards.

- Be prepared for crowds at popular tourist attractions, especially during peak travel seasons.

- Dress appropriately for the weather and cultural norms.

In conclusion, by learning some basic English phrases and following these tips, you can confidently explore Shanghai and enjoy its local cuisine. Don't be afraid to try new things and immerse yourself in the culture of this vibrant city.

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